Tag Archives: B2B marketing

Cheat Sheets Charge Up Your B2B Content
Posted on 25. Oct, 2011 by twanless.
Cheat sheets can help B2B marketers break through the content clutter that’s increasingly being sent to prospects. They’re informative, yet still different in that they’re easy to digest and use over and over again. It’s hardly a secret that content marketing has become THE new marketing — a way for B2B marketers to avoid [...]
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Pain Relief: Will An Aspirin Do?
Posted on 07. Sep, 2011 by twanless.
Here’s a writing tip for all B2B content producers: Pick your words and labels carefully and ensure they’re appropriate for the target user. All writers have a standard set of words they employ on a regular basis, often without thought: Writers of content are no different. Especially in the Business to Business content marketing sphere, [...]
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Bookstrapping Thought Leadership
Posted on 28. Jul, 2011 by twanless.
There is no better thought leadership content than a book. While the traditional book as we think about is the ultimate thought leadership vehicle, it doesn’t particularly have to be as traditional as paper. Today it’s often much better to produce an e-book, which is less expensive, more immediate and has almost the [...]
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Nurture The Complex Sale With Deep Content
Posted on 26. Apr, 2011 by twanless.
If a world-class physics research center can get its complex content in the media, most B2B marketers can get noticed as well. Here are three ways to do it. A recent article about the European CERN physics research center that actually made it into a newspaper tells you all you need to know about how [...]
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Layer To Sell Complex Ideas
Posted on 01. Apr, 2011 by Tony Wanless.
This post was previously published in a Financial Post column Minding Your Business, Dec. 27, 2010. Author Tony Wanless writes a monthly column for the newspaper. Entrepreneurs who make the transition from corporate worker to independent business operator invariably face one major hurdle that hobbles their business in the early years. They don’t know how to [...]
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Are You Persuasive?
Posted on 28. Mar, 2011 by Tony Wanless.
When all is said and done, content marketing is about persuasion. You’ve written your content, and your words sparkle on the page. You’ve SEO’d it to the max, and ensured that every one of the keywords that showed up in your analytics has been artfully included. You’ve trimmed and tightened, and included some hot visuals [...]
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How To Get More Views Of Specialty Content
Posted on 21. Mar, 2011 by Tony Wanless.
If you’re a company that markets very specific B2B solutions, don’t fall for the usual SEO advice to cast a wide keyword net. Statistics show that you should do the opposite and zero in on very specific keyword chains. You’re a specialty company that’s trying to use content marketing to market your niche business-to-business or [...]
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Generate Quality Content With Expert Commentary
Posted on 14. Mar, 2011 by Tony Wanless.
A great way to generate quality and reusable content is to become an expert for the media. Most content used in B2B marketing is of the run of the mill variety –blogs, tweets, etc. This is not to say that they’re bad. But they’re rarely very deep and so only get you a brief glance [...]
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Crap Content: Google Tries To Stem The Tide
Posted on 08. Mar, 2011 by Tony Wanless.
In an attempt to fight the content farms that are proliferating on the Web, Google has changed the way it ranks content. It will work for a while, but not forever. Google has changed its algorithms to lower the search rankings of the content farms that have proliferated on the Web, thereby opening the door [...]
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How A VPN Can Focus Content Marketing
Posted on 23. Feb, 2011 by Tony Wanless.
Private VPNs are one method in which content marketers working niches can avoid the SEO scramble that is denaturing content today. The private networks allow your company to become the center of a community. Much has been written about the role of content in modern business to business (B2B) marketing, invariably from the content creation [...]